Everbook: What is a Folder?

pile of everbook folders ready to store loose-leaf pages inside
Table of Contents

In the Everbook system, an folder is a term that is sometimes used interchangeably with bundle, but there are some key distinctions. Both folders and bundles organize and group loose-leaf pages. The term bundle describes the overall organizational unit while folder describes using a page as an organizational tool.

Meet the Folder

Here are some ways the term folder is used in the Everbook World:

  • Use an 8.5"x11" page as a folder by folding over and placing other pages inside of it. This is the basic way that bundles are created, and it is the core organizational structure of the Everbook system.
  • A bundle cover is a type of folder. The bundle cover is a piece of folded paper that holds other pages, and it functions like a file folder in a file cabinet. Label it cover with the contents of the bundle and use it to write notes or lists.
  • Folder also refers more generally to refer to a way of grouping things together. For example, one user referred to a "welcome folder" that functions as their inbox, while another user has a "to done folder" for completed projects. One source describes a "project folder".

A folder contains loose-leaf pages, while a bundle contains both loose-leaf pages and other folders.

Folder vs. Bundle

Here's how a bundle is different from a folder:

  • A bundle is a collection of pages that are grouped together inside a folded piece of paper that serves as a cover. A bundle is a way of containing and organizing several pages.
  • A bundle is made from a page that has been folded over to create a sort of pocket or folder. The cover of the bundle is part of a page that can also be written on or used as a reference.
  • Bundles can hold different types of pages, such as blank paper, templates, checklists, and project notes.
  • Bundles are moveable and reconfigurable within the Everbook. Move a bundle to a different part of the Everbook or take it out and store it elsewhere.
  • Create bundles for different purposes, such as a logbook, a project, next actions, or a weekly review.
  • Bundles can expand and contract as needed. If you need more space for a project, add additional pages to the bundle. When completing a project, archive it or remove it the bundle from the Everbook entirely.

In summary, a folder is a more general term that describes how a page can be used to group and contain other pages. A bundle, on the other hand, is the fundamental unit of organization in the Everbook and is made from a folded page or cover that contains other pages and folders.

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